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All orders are currently on hold due to severe sickness. Click here to read newest updates.


  • Things are getting slowly better…

    Good morning mummy lovers 💜Thought I’d give you all an update as it’s been dead quiet here on the page. So the girl monster: she is “fixed”, we ha...
  • My mental health & me.

    Today’s new blog post is another update for all those who care. The start of February 2024 was brilliant, I managed to bosh out 15/30 of my outstan...
  • The end is near…

    Catch up with the latest news from MWML HQ and join us for the end that is near.
  • When will the madness end?? Soon I f%#king hope!

    Life as it’s been the last few weeks/months/generally the whole of 2023.
  • Life…. Again.

    So, when the monsters went back to school I was going to Wizz my orders out and catch up on the delays. Girl monster goes back on last Tuesday. Las...
  • 2023 - new ideas equals new items.

    January’s for small businesses are usually the quietest time of the year. Christmas has been and gone and we all reduce our spending having over sp...
  • Christmas and delays.

    Chaos and illness for the last 8 weeks - an explanation of delays.
  • The kids are back to school!!

    Hello mummy lovers! My monsters are finally back to school so that means I’m back to working on your lovely orders. The summer holidays seemed to...
  • Why the silence from HQ?

    Morning mummy lovers, I thought I’d write you all a blog post because stuff like I’m about to write isn’t always welcomed on the Facebook page. ...